I had a pool (underground) installed recently, and the contractor installed a subpanel for the lights/pumps. He mounted it next to the main panel, installed a 40A CB (in the main) which feeds two 20A CB in the subpanel. The neutral is isolated from the equipment ground in the sub. I want to use the open "slots" in the subpanel to supply a shed I built a couple of years ago. I bought a two slot panel for the shed and want to wire two 120 branches, using two 15 or 20A breakers. I have a ground rod at the shed. Ok the question(s) is/are, do I isolate the neutral at the shed (since it is isolated at the "pool" subpanel, or bond it with the equipment ground/panel? Also is 10 Ga wire acceptable to use as my feeder wire? Thanks in advance for any/all replies.