Sub Panel

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Senior Member
Is there any restriction on sub panel size. Such as if i had a 200 amp service could i have a 200 amp sub panel. I dont know why i would want to do that but is a question that i wanted to be clear on.
you can have a 400A subpanel, just as long as it is protected with a 200A OCPD

I put 200A subs on 100A services all the time to get the extra space.

you can have a 400A subpanel, just as long as it is protected with a 200A OCPD

I put 200A subs on 100A services all the time to get the extra space.


I have ran into a 200amp panel being feed with a 40 amp dp. Some one was to lazy to drill concrete walls to run conduit. They used an existing conduit to pull the feed to the panel then ran exposed to the 3 new circ. they needed. That's what happens when its a gov. facility and you dont have to pay for material:mad:
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