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Is there a rule against feeding one sub-panel from another sub-panel. I need to feed a weatherproof sub-panel for pool equipment from the sub-panel that is in the pool house. Is there a problem with this if everything is sized correctly
Welcome to the forum.:)

There is no NEC section that prohibits supplying a "sub-panel" for another "sub-panel" provided that the loads aresized properly.

As for feeders for pools I would recommend checking out 680.25.

a classic case of "the devil is in the details"

A very common question "Is there a rule against feeding one sub-panel from another sub-panel."
One which I, and I assume others, would rather quickly answer "No"

but then:
"sub-panel for pool equipment "

changes the story...............

teaches me not to jump at an answer
The subpanel that exists is for a pool so I am assuming it has an insulated egc. If it does not then the added panel would be in violation unless the original panel falls under 680.25(A) except. & (B)
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I don't understand the exceptions. What do they mean?
680.25(A) exception will allow an existing panel to be used for pool equip. under certain situations.

680.25(B)(2) states that if there is an existing panel that is in a separate building that was fed with a 3 wire feeder (no egc), as previously allowed before 2008, then you can use that panel for pool equipment.

How does Article 680.25(B)(2) apply? If I feed thru a basement with SER and then change over to conduit to feed a sub-panel in a seperate building can I then feed my pool equipment sub-panel that is going on the back of the seperate building as long as I comply with 680.25(A)?
680.25(A) exception will allow an existing panel to be used for pool equip. under certain situations.

680.25(B)(2) states that if there is an existing panel that is in a separate building that was fed with a 3 wire feeder (no egc), as previously allowed before 2008, then you can use that panel for pool equipment.

Thanks Dennis,

Then, (A) is for: if there is a existing sub-panel with an EGC, not necessary an insulated one?

And(B)(2) is for: an existing sub-panel w/o an EGC?
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