Sub Panels

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Senior Member
Another genius ready for an inspection of a sub panel.
Where is the fourth wire? Am I missing the ground. Were all the cables routed together? Am I crazy probably.
would you really need a code section


And by this picture alone, there is not enough info to tell if the only thing missing is the bond screw, or if the grounds possibly should have been landed on a different bar.
Where is this loadcenter? is it in a detached building, wired under 2002 NEC?

2nd floor sub-panel on the load side of the main disco (sub-feed from the main panel) on a renovation project in a single family residence.

Ask the other 500+ posters who utilize the word sub-panel in other threads. Maybe they can help you to comprehend.

2009 IRC applies. The grounding conductor is landed on a terminal bar below the photo.

And by this picture alone, there is not enough info to tell if the only thing missing is the bond screw, or if the grounds possibly should have been landed on a different bar.
Where is this loadcenter? is it in a detached building, wired under 2002 NEC?

bond screw ? dude, its a subpanel - ie, its not a main. no bonding screw, separate grounds and neutrals.
I dont see a bond screw which you dont bond sub panels anyway and grounds are seperated as required.Would you please tell me what would be the issues in a sep building or 02 code? I may be brain dead right now but im not sure i see a problem other than what I listed.
I dont see a bond screw which you dont bond sub panels anyway and grounds are seperated as required.Would you please tell me what would be the issues in a sep building or 02 code? I may be brain dead right now but im not sure i see a problem other than what I listed.

Take a closer look....

The Neutral buss on left and Ground on the look at top...see the bar tying them together? How are they seperated then?
I looked at the picture for a bonding screw. Didnt see one and should of looked closer. Why does my mind tell me I havent seen a panel that is bonded and you have to unbond it instead of the other way around? Maybe its the 10 degrees out side. But seriously I may of seen one just dont remember.
Yea...depending on the situation...I will just add new ground bar... if it is less work than trying to remove the tie bar and seperating the noodles and grounds.
I see three noodles, but 9 grounds. Seems there's gonna be a lot of 240-v loads. Looks like #6 or 8 feeding it, so I'd be suspicious and ask for a load calc.
I dont see a bond screw which you dont bond sub panels anyway and grounds are seperated as required.Would you please tell me what would be the issues in a sep building or 02 code? I may be brain dead right now but im not sure i see a problem other than what I listed.

That entire buss is "one" piece as far as I can tell in the picture. He did put all of the egc on the same side. That is a start in the right direction.
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