Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

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What are the requirements for a main breaker on a sub with 7 circuits inside a garage with the main panel being outside and within 10 feet?

rick hart

Senior Member
Dallas Texas
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

You might need one, you might not. What kind of garage? Commercial? Residential?
Is the garage attached to a house? Don't need one, more than likely.
If detached, you are building a service for a separate building. Need a main and all the other stuff a service requires.
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

Residential, there is a 50A feeder breaker to the sub that was inspected and approved but the buyers inspector says it needs a main on the panel. I want to be safe but I do not want to do work that is just to make a home inspector feel good.


Senior Member
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

I do not want to do work that is just to make a home inspector feel good.
I sure do agree with you there. I was a job this morning. The home inspector missed the following. Under the sink: the disposal whip was a 12" sjo terminated in a female 120 cord cap. Connected to it was a double ended male 2' extension cord pluged into the receptacle outlet under the sink. Also he missed all the sjo cables in the garage fished down in the finished walls to receptacles , and stapled to the sides of the joist in the unfinished ceiling. Don is right, if attached garage no main required by NEC for this subpanel.


Senior Member
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

I agree with the others: No main is needed in the subpanel. If the garage were detached, though, a main would be required since there are more than six breakers. This all assumes you don't have any state/local code amendments to the NEC.

Just fun, you might want to ask the buyer's inspector for a code reference to back up his claim.

[ August 18, 2005, 06:25 PM: Message edited by: jeff43222 ]


Senior Member
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

"What is an MH?"
They are them long box looking things sitting up on concrete blocks.Usually have about 2 foot tall grass,1 or more old cars on blocks,and a big bad dog on a chain tied to it.The guy that owns it has a can of bud in one hand rifle in other. :D


Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

Anyone surprised that a home inspector knows very little about the NEC?


Senior Member
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

"Anyone surprised that a home inspector knows very little about the NEC? "

No but i as surprised people pay for them pretending they know nec.


Senior Member
Snohomish, WA
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

Originally posted by jimwalker:
"What is an MH?"
They are them long box looking things sitting up on concrete blocks.Usually have about 2 foot tall grass,1 or more old cars on blocks,and a big bad dog on a chain tied to it.The guy that owns it has a can of bud in one hand rifle in other. :D


Senior Member
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

Actually it might be a smart move to get that license started before they wake up and make you pass a test.Get grandfathered in.Sort of like some places did with EC.Many are out there that should not be but got grandfathered in.
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

SO I have asked about what the code sitation is and get this I checked and could only count 6 breakers on the panel in the first place.



Senior Member
Re: Sub Pannel with 7 circuits

6 throws are whats importand.Sounds like your fine.Send bill to the HI for a profeshional opinion.If thats his only write up for electrical and caused home owner to hire you they should deduct your fee from his.They will start reading the codebook if they get backcharged.
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