Submersible Pump Wire & Breaker Size

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What size wire and breaker is needed for a 5hp Submersible Pump.
Specs Listed Below

Pump Control Box
Model: CB50412CR
HP 5, Volts 230

Control Box Specs:
5 HP
230 Volt
24 Amp
3450 RPM
27.5 S.F. Max. Amp
1 Phase
60 Hertz
1.15 Service Factor
3.7 KW
Continuous Duty
KVA Code: F
This CentriPro document should help with the breaker.
"Size wire" would depend on which wire.. to the controller or to the motor..and more importantly on the length of the runs. I would check with the manufacturer/supplier as they often have Tables for the recommended wire size to the motor based on the length of the run.
The NEC would provide a minimum but that not be sufficient for your application.
Wire length can be critical on pump installations.
I'm trying to figure out the breaker and wire coming from the meter/main to the control box.
POCO installed new pole and brought over lines to the new location.
A new service panel has been installed at the location and I have about 15 feet of conduit running from the panel to the control box so I'm not concerned with VD there.
The manual for the box is calling for a 60A breaker, but I've had other fellow electricians tell me that a 60A sounds crazy and that a 40A breaker with #8 THHN will be fine.
I want to stick with what the breaker that the manufacture is calling for.
I know the code says #10 minimum for a FLC of 28amps, but putting a #10 wire on a 60A just looks crazy.
You do not have to use the max sized breaker allowed nor do you have to use the minimum wire size. The controller no doubt has OC protection for the pump motor so pick a value for the short circuit protection.

Remember if you upside the conductors for VD, increase the EG as well.
Sq D Motor Data Calculator
10 AWG conductor
60 amp breaker
The breaker protects the wire, the overloads protect the motor. Don't loose any sleep over this, or dig into Art 430.
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