Thanks. Isn't it the case too that at this stage, you can only submit a proposed revision for a vote on your exact text? Meaning you can't make a comment on the problem with something, make a suggestion on the text, and expect that if the committee members can't agree to your text but agree there's an issue to be addressed with the draft text, that they will consider an alternate text revision? If this is true, can you make multiple public comments on the same thing, so if they can't agree to one option they can consider the other?
Separate to this question: it looks like the move to have all the definitions to article 100 has lead to in some cases the same definition appearing twice, each time with its relevant committee posted there. This seems a little problematic. Example: first draft report has 2 definitions for Grounded, Functionally. I don't know why they want all definitions in one place if the definition means something different, and you have to look at the committee that wrote that definition, and then find out what articles they write vs the other committee and its articles, for the second occurrence of the same word. Or maybe the NFPA made one editorial/typo mistake here.