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Senior Member
anyone use a specific index page for your submittals? haven't been able to find one online, and nothing specific is required, just looking for something to make it neater and easier to use.
Did you look at all the readings in threads to this area?

Proposals/Comments for the next NEC cycle
here on the Forum

This is an example as written by Ryan Jackson
Example: 210.7(A) (
1 2 3)

The has the forms as well, although your right they are tough to find. I know there in the Back of Both 2005 and 2008.

Here is a copy of formal summitals that where made by committies that where made and "rejected", but the lay out is the same as whats been mentioned above.

I beleive this is what your thinking (maybe not), hope this helps.
cadpoint said:
Did you look at all the readings in threads to this area?

Proposals/Comments for the next NEC cycle
here on the Forum
I think he's talking about contract submittals. :grin:

There's a couple things I always do. Put them/bind them in the same order as they're referred to in the bid package. Documentation always comes before drawings. If there's a lot of submittals, an index page doesn't hurt, but I have only done that a couple times. If there's several trade disciplines, break the submittals with a break page to note the new "chapter". Have any drawings done 11x17, so that when they are bound on one edge, they can be folded in half to make one 8-1/2x11 volume with the documentation.
we always do an index, otherwise some idiot calls and asks why we left (some item he can't find) out. nothing fancy, just a list on our letterhead
Cad- don't sweat it

Md and nak - one job in particular had about 150 pages of submittals w/o drawings. Just didn't want to recreate the wheel so to speak.
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