Suggestion for learn Revit MEP software

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Hi Guys,

I recently work in a MEP consulting firm and in my company we only use AutoCAD for MEP drawings. I want to change my job to bigger consulting firm and I really need to improve my Revit drafting skills.

Do you have any suggestion for improving revit drafting skills?

I find it difficult to practice because there is no example and reference companies in my current company.

I really appreciate any suggestion and advice


You can try or ditch revit and learn Sketchup

Sadly, if you want to play with the big boys, Revit is what you'll use. I'm wading through that particular mire for the rest of my career unless something happens. I suppose it's mostly an "old dog and new tricks" sort of thing, but as I see it, unless a project is 100% all in from the ground up, you can't just do a little Revit. You can't really fudge device locations, and if the architect isn't keeping on top of things, you'll suddenly get a model update and all your work is orphaned. Or worse, missing. You are at the mercy of the model owner.

Check out CADMasters. They are close to you and offer 2 -3 day classes in Autodesk products. They might be a little pricey for individuals but if you can geet your company to spring for it I would recommend them. Our company uses them with good results.
You are probably already aware of this, but the learning curve for revit is much steeper and longer than autocad.

But hopefully you have a licensed version of revit ready to run. If so, open it, press F1 for help, and look at these:

Essential skills videos (very basic stuff)
New Feature Videos, and Additional Videos
Beginner Workflows

There is so much info in the help it can be overwhelming.
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