Suggestions for equipment by the pool?

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Senior Member
Northern NJ
Owner TJ Electric
I am bidding on a pool filter/pool heater install.
I need to provide a twist lock for the filter, single use 120V receptacle for the gas fired heater and a general purpose duplex GFI protected receptacle.
Any suggestions on a neat method of mounting these things?
I have used the 4"x4" pressure treated posts, but they just don't look all that nice.
Any neat suggestions? :lol:
Thank you.
Arlington. The product is called the garden post. You dig a hole and stub pvc in it. It has a built in box and looks great. Saves time and looks excellent. I think it will hold up better too. If you cant find it I can get you the cat. # later. I am assuming this is an outdoor location in grass or garden areas?

I love Arlington!
Hi Jes,
Yes Jes, (jes, Jes "Soap" reference, I loved that show)this will be at the edge of the yard by some shrubs.
I will check out the Arlington site.
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