Suitable Material behind Panelboards and Switchboards

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wire rat

Does the NEC require the area behind a Panelboard or Switchboard to be non-combustible. Another words can a 3000A MDP, or a 225A Sub-panel be installed on reqular plywood from the local lumberyard? I've read over Article 408.17 and it doesant mention about the mounting surface needing to be fire-rated plywood, or fire-rated paint.
Does the NEC require the area behind a Panelboard or Switchboard to be non-combustible. Another words can a 3000A MDP, or a 225A Sub-panel be installed on reqular plywood from the local lumberyard? I've read over Article 408.17 and it doesant mention about the mounting surface needing to be fire-rated plywood, or fire-rated paint.
I'm pretty sure that it would be a local ordinance.
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