Suitable stapler

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Are there any good (electrical or manual) for Romex? What is your favorite?
Re: Suitable stapler

The "Red Swingline" is the best.

"Umm, ya, were going to need you come in on Saturday"
Re: Suitable stapler

My old trusty hammer I've had for 15 yrs and I only use 9/16 staples. A good carpenter nail bag works great as it will hold an entire box of staples for easy retreival.

The new staple gun do not work well with older wood and cause more wasted time than they are worth.
Re: Suitable stapler

I've also used the Arrow. I have mixed feelings about it. I've found the quality of the staples to be inferior to the old-fashioned hammer-n-nail kind, and it's not always easy to get the staple in. You have to make sure the material you're stapling is suitable to take the staple, and if you don't have the stapler firmly planted just right, the staple often goes awry.

That being said, I do like having it for those cases where conditions prevent me from using a hammered staple (tight spaces, don't have two free hands, etc.).
Re: Suitable stapler

The Powerfast "strapgun" by DESA.

The staple has a plastic insulator. I've never gotten grief from an inspector about the powerfast staple. Stapl will fasten one 14-2 to two 12-2, or one 14-3 or 12-3.

It'll shoot into the web of wooden I-beams.

Takes a big hand to work it (strong spring, too), and works better if you have the other on the nose to keep it in contact with the surface.

I've been bugging them to develop a cordless (battery) version. That would be slick!

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