Summer Time Tablets In First Aid Kits?

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Bob Kraemer

Senior Member
Sorry for the confusing title, but I couldn't think what of else to call it.:confused:
Years ago when I worked for a large contractor, in the large first aid kits there were tablets in the first aid kits called electrolytes (SP) or something like that, they helped to replace chemicals lost from sweating.
Does anyone know what these were called and where to get them?
The pill

The pill

If your even thirsty your already a Quart of water low. Four shots of construction cups at the water cooler, your only 1/4 or 1/3 there.
I want to call what your going to use a salt pill, and it might well be on par with drinking Gatorade, a pil 250 of Sodium Chloride per I'd say so.

I'd be careful with those salt pills especially with well water usage, due to most wells are high in various mineral content.

Most people don?t in general use enough water during the average work day in the heat.

Your not helping IMO by a mind-set of a pill over what?s really required, water. The true underlying thought is to keep your body fluids flowing and not keep chemicals in.

For me I take a B Vitamin every night at bed time and I don?t wake up during the night for a snack, and ready to go for the day.

Gatorade for me that?s like eating a potato, it blots me and in half an hour slows me to sleepness, maybe its just me.

When you take a drink be sure to wrist yourself, Run water over your wrist slowly, where one would take a pulse check, or remember thumbs out.
(tool box talk-PR, lol)
So? Color me a lightweight.
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