Sump and sewage ejector pumps

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Senior Member
New Jersey
1. In NJ, do these each require single/simplex receptacles?
2. If a duplex is allowed, can both connect to the same duplex?
Prior to the 2020 NEC you could use a single receptacle. Two on a circuit would depend on the load of each pump. Putting them one the same circuit is a bad idea.
They are both 120-v. Ejector pump is a Liberty Pro380.
That pump is 9.8 amps off the tables. Sump pumps @ 1/3 hp is 7.2 amps

Probably the actual ampacity of the motors if lower than what the tables state.

You will probably need gfci protection unless there is amendment so you wouldn't want both circuits off if one motor trips.
Don't forget an alarm on another circuit. Zoller pump with external float always worked out. Before the GFCI requirements, I just made them shared neutral, with one of the duplex being the pump and another being the alarm and a breaker with a handle tie that would allow one side to trip and not take the other side. If you need GFCI, that might put you into a fancy expensive breaker.
I think NJ just updated to 2020 (I think around september) but there is a 6 month grace period.
Yes they did in September, are in you NJ? You'll have until early March to still use the 2017 NEC as long as you write "2017 NEC" on the permit. I'll be pulling a permit this month to install a new service in my house late this year and I'll be utilizing the 6 month grace period so that I don't have to install an emergency disconnect. (y)
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