sump pump installation

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Senior Member
Tujunga, CA
I am installing sump pump in the parking of an new build commercial building
pump and (2) empty 1/2" pvs co. already installed by others.

Am I right here,??
I can run pump cords throught thoses pvc conduits, no problem so far! but
I think I have to reduce those pvs.s to 3/4" EMT through reducers and 3/4" seal bodies that are shape of "Y" (Explosion scape) than enenter to provided pump controler.

The question: How can run those pump cords with large heads through 3/4" EMT assebly???

Should I chop. them off?????
The basic rule in 400.8(6) only allows you to run cords in a raceway where specifically permitted.
Off hand, I can't think of an applicable Section that would permit it, however, if you are just "sleeving" it might be judged acceptable.
To most inspectors, cutting the ends off the cords is looked at as altering listed equipment and not allowed.
In the event you go that route be careful as some sump pumps have a "switched" plug that allows the float to be utilized
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