sun room

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Senior Member
los angeles ca
Looked at an older home today where we will be replacing brittle cloth wiring throughout home. Question is with fairly new sunroom addition. Upon opening recepts and switches in sunroom noticed there are no outlet boxes and or equipt ground. I've read that some sunroom channels are ul listed wireways but is it typical just to screw switches and recepts to the channels openings with no equipt ground and or boxes. This is the first one I've seen wired so wasn't sure if this was common practice by using self grounding recepts and switches.
Thanks for insight
Someone else may, but I know of no channel that's approved as a raceway much less an equipment grounding means.
California Sunrooms state the have u/l listed raceways. Don't know manufacturer of this one but the recepts and switches just mounted with screws and no equipt ground just gave me that" What the.... feeling"
A little of the path of the conversation!

I beleive it's been stated here that unistrut is a listed raceway, you can check
Article 352 which covers structrual channel raceways.

Read the introduction and look at the bottom of both pages 6 & 9.

My thought it is that they just use it as a means to attach to, and play very
loose with their wording to say that their product is UL!

Think of it this way do barn/shed builders UL their metal buildings? Maybe FM
maybe Good House Keeping, frankly I don't know. Or another way to think of it is a house addition UL approved, no but the most material's and components they use have to be.
= = $

Is there any type of active bldg. permit for that addition ?

If you can obtain information on the Sunroom installed,
you could then go to their web site; if there is one, for
further research on your questions.

I do not know of any U.L. or F.M. approved channels to be
used a a raceway, much less, ...not having an approved
type of junction box in the framing part.

A heck of lot of these so called Sunroom companies &
contractors are fast and loose with complying with
established standards........My experience with them is
that not too many Sunrooms [ and Sunroom kits ]
meet any type of established \ adopted standards.
[ i.e. - another version of snake oil ].

$ = =
If it is listed there is probably a nameplate somewhere on the unit, at very least probably a UL label somewhere. May have to find listing info if there is any and look at what that listing is all about. Find out who product manufacturer is and any information they can provide is a start. If they can't give you listing information then they probably do not have a valid listing even if they claim it is designed for this purpose.
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