Log # 1278
8- 76 - (350-5, Exception): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: IAEI ~
Add to end of present Exception: "; and the conduit is not installed in accordance with Section 350-4, Exception No. 2."
SUBSTANTIATION: This is to assure that an effective and continuous grounding path is maintained. Our field experience shows a consistent problem with loose connections and lost grounding paths where flexible metal conduit is used to wire equipment that is not fixed in one place or position. A recent experience involving electrical inspections of dozens of restaurants across different parts of the State showed this problem in each and every restaurant. This amendment would serve a dual function. First, it would assure that, in these instances, the equipment would remain grounded. Second, it would point out that, in lengths over 3 feet, flexible metal conduit must be secured.
PANEL ACTION: Accept in Principle. Add (new) Exception No. 2 to read: "When used to connect equipment where flexibility is required, a grounding conductor shall be installed." Editorial: Revise the existing exception by numbering No. i:
PANEL COMMENT: Revision provides for submitter's intent in a clearer manner. VOTE ON PANEL ACTION: AFFIRMATIVE: 13 NEGATIVE: O'Leary. EXPLANATION OF VOTE: O'LEARY: My objection to the acceptance of this change is that no consideration was given to flex leads for fixtures which are normally over 3 feet in length and in the supporting comment, in the last sentence, it points out that in lengths over 3 feet, flexible metal conduit must be secured. From a practical standpoint, this is virtually impossible in a hung ceiling where recessed fluorescent fixture