A lot depends on how much weight is going to be added to the tray. Can't tell by the wireframe render.
I can't see where B-Line's cable tray manual requires any particular support placement, and NEMA VE-2* uses the term "should" to say support is
recommended at each end of the vertical elbow.
The transition at the bottom isn't pretty, but it's nothing I haven't seen before. The engineer leaves no means to splice the trays together at the bottom of the "dump". No mechanical or electrical bond. Under the NEC that's loosely jointed and will require at the very least a bonding jumper.
I say install it per design. You have the proof that is how the engineer wants it. Have you RFI'd the EE?
*A newer version of NEMA VE-2 is available from their website:
https://www.nema.org/Standards/ComplimentaryDocuments/NEMA VE 2-2013 ERRATA.pdf
:thumbsup: BTW, welcome to the forum. :thumbsup: