Supporting feeder in intermediate floor during construction

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Senior Member
Los Angeles, Ca
Good day all. I'd like to call on the opinion of the contractors and electricians on the forum most of whom have greater experience than I do.

We're working on a project where the electrical distribution uses a riser with a feeder that's tapped off to one panel on each floor. The building is a high rise and (typically) 3 panels are being tapped off one feeder, i.e. floors 1,2,3 are being served with a feeder whereas floors 4,5,6 will have another feeder and so on. The new work for this project will target only four floors in this eleven floor building. My question: In a case where an intermediate floor has no new work (i.e. new work on floors 1 & 3 but no work on floor 2) is the best way for maintain continuity to the 2nd floor panelboard to call for a temporary feed or is it more reasonable to somehow support the feeder in floor 1 as the walls and tiled ceiling are being demolished? I'm not sure if the latter is possible or how hard it would be to do - I'd appreciate someone explaining the method and the industry name for the grips/support items used to accomplish this.
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