I had a main board failure on my high tech Frigidaire washer. Looking on line, one guy posted in a video that if you open the top, stick a hair blow dryer into a particular opening pointing toward the main board and run it on low for at least 3 minutes, it would make it run again. I tried it and it worked! Lots of commenters on his YouTube video commented on it working for them too. The main board was almost $200, but I found rebuilt boards for $89. I ordered a rebuilt and after swapping it, went over the old board with a big magnifying glass. Sure enough, it was an easily visible cold solder joint. I hit it with the solder gun and kept that board as a spare, even though I didn’t try it out to see if that worked.
Given that this was prevalent enough to spawn a YouTube video and a bunch of comments saying the trick worked for them, I’m willing to bet this cold solder joint issue is widespread. It’s probably just generally poor QC from whomever is making these boards (mine was from China), but they just blame it on “surges” to avoid responsibility.