Surge protector


Refrigeration mechanic
If I have a disconnect for a heatpump or air conditioner, am I able to use the disconnect box to mount a surge protector to it?
As long as it's rated for outdoor installation you're good. How do you plan to make the connections inside the disconnect?
Could have an issue if the surge suppressor requires a breaker to protect it and they only want a 15A or 20A breaker. If it can be protected by the HVAC circuit breaker, then it shouldn't be a problem.

Many ground bars allow 2 or 3 wires of the same size and material in the same hole. Usually there is another stipulation that the wires be between $13 and #10 in size. If this just has a screw and not a bar, you may need to install a bar, drill/tap another hole in the enclosure for the 2nd ground, or use the wirenut and pigtail approach.