surge protector

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I informed a neighbor that chances of an open neutral may exist based on the indicator lights of my plug tester.

He hired an electrical company to fix the problem. 2-days of problem solving resulted in an installation of a surge protector (mounted externally on the panel) connected to 2 circuit breakers. Apparently this is supposed to protect the whole panel of circuits.

I think he over sold this product. It didn't help with the power problem, because nothing works when plugged into the basement outlets (t.v., fan, vcr, etc.)

I guess my question is what purpose does the device have, and is it a typical solution to the problem?

There may be a loose neutral somewhere.
TVSS to monitor voltage is insane. A TVSS is a passive device that only operates in the micro-second range. If the voltage on any leg were to go to the clamping voltage for any duration the TVSS would blow up and destroy itself.
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