Swab test

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Fire job we are working on had a Forensics Engineer come in to look at damages. He took some wipes of the smoke in the transformer to have it analyzed. What would he be looking for?
The transformer is not the source of the problem

Maybe more money?? I think they get paid by the Hr/Swab.....


Moderator, OTD
Staff member
San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA
Electrical Engineer
After watching too many of these CSI type shows, just be glad he didn't break out a UV light! :eek:

Seriously though, was it an oil filled transformer? There are things you can tell about insulation breakdown in the transformer oil that would be different from what might happen in an external fire, so he may be looking to confirm or eliminate the transformer as the cause. For example if he finds acetylene in the residue, that's an indication that there was an arc inside of the transformer while the oil was still in there.

If it was an air cooled transformer, not sure what he would be looking for, but I'm not familiar with all the things that take place in different types of dry insulation.
NE (9.06 miles @5.9 Degrees from Winged Horses)
EC - retired
The fire was in a different part of the building with the dry 75kva 3ph 480 to 208/120 only sustaining what looks like minor smoke damage. I think he is trying to find out what the extent of the damage is. Is there different types of smoke that would limit the cleaning or restoration of this unit?

I was already figuring it had scrap value only. It is pricey but not that much to replace, considering the scope of the damage in total.


Moderator, OTD
Staff member
San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA
Electrical Engineer
The fire was in a different part of the building with the dry 75kva 3ph 480 to 208/120 only sustaining what looks like minor smoke damage. I think he is trying to find out what the extent of the damage is. Is there different types of smoke that would limit the cleaning or restoration of this unit?

I was already figuring it had scrap value only. It is pricey but not that much to replace, considering the scope of the damage in total.
He might be trying to see if the insulation gave off any telltale signs of having been damaged by the fire, but I'm with you, I wouldn't trust that kind of determination. Not worth the risk.

jim dungar

Staff member
PE (Retired) - Power Systems
Then again, it may have been nothing but due diligence.

During an investigation, you need to collect every single bit of possible evidence, because you do not get a 'do over' if you missed something.
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