Sweet Romex

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Beautiful IDAHO

A while back someone submitted some pics of a big residential job where the Romex was run more precisely than many electricians could run conduit. There were several distribution panels and probably close to a hundred home runs. Anyone know where I can download these pics?
I was at a code update seminar today and they had one of those photo's in the power point presentation. It was Mike Holt's 2008 code change power point software.
wbalsam1 said:
Very neat in a way, but too busy in another way. Certainly an expensive installation, no matter. :smile:
Looks like pipe would have been a better alternative to that, takes up too much space. Looks like expensive wallpaper to me.
jrannis said:
Looks like pipe would have been a better alternative to that, takes up too much space. Looks like expensive wallpaper to me.

With that many wires, pipe would have taken just as long if not longer to install, especially by the time you finished with all those extra splices. I think NM was the correct install.
stickboy1375 said:
With that many wires, pipe would have taken just as long if not longer to install, especially by the time you finished with all those extra splices. I think NM was the correct install.

I agree, there is nothing wrong with using NM in this application. And my guess is that there aren't too many EC who could actually do a job that looked that good even if they were given an unlimited amount of time.
stickboy1375 said:
With that many wires, pipe would have taken just as long if not longer to install, especially by the time you finished with all those extra splices. I think NM was the correct install.
Thought it would look better and more professional is all. Looks like too much romex in one spot. Would make lots of smoke if there was a fire.
Seems like everyone thinks the installation is amusing for one reason or another. It is very interesting to see that much romex sweeping around like that.
Another reason is, that it seems to be very rare to see a site like that. I would expect to see a job like that in EMT or even smurf.
Although its is a novel installation, It looks to me to be a great waste of time to use that type of wiring method for that many #12 circuits.
jrannis said:
Another reason is, that it seems to be very rare to see a site like that. I would expect to see a job like that in EMT or even smurf.
I dont use EMT, so I would have installed it the same way...

jrannis said:
Although its is a novel installation, It looks to me to be a great waste of time to use that type of wiring method for that many #12 circuits.

Your just not use to seeing NM cable, get over it....:cool:
stickboy1375 said:
Your just not use to seeing NM cable, get over it....:cool:

I don't understand where people get this idea that EMT would be faster than Romex. There is no chance in the world that EMT would be faster even if you were the fastest EMT installer ever.
peter d said:
I don't understand where people get this idea that EMT would be faster than Romex. There is no chance in the world that EMT would be faster even if you were the fastest EMT installer ever.

I dont know why they think it would look nicer either? My conclusion is people are just stuck in their ways...

I suppose I should have done this all in EMT as well...
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peter d said:
I don't understand where people get this idea that EMT would be faster than Romex. There is no chance in the world that EMT would be faster even if you were the fastest EMT installer ever.

And again I agree with Pete.

That many circuits in EMT would take either a lot of raceways or large raceways with large conductors to compensate for derating or ignoring the derating rules.
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