Swimming Pool Grounding and Bonding Certification

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Can anyone tell me what is involved in providing the 5 year swimming pool gounding and bonding certification on a commercial pool? I am particularly interested in any type of special equipment that might be required.
A megger for the CCC's and a micro ohm meter to check grounds and bonds are the only things that I know about. I'm about 99% sure you also need a rider on your GL insurance to provide such reports.
Answer yes to question one, and the rest of the questions are not relevant. Inspecting an existing pool for bonding is not a task to be taken lightly, and requires experience and the proper tools.

I would call a company that does this type of work and ask what equipment they use and the methods of operation.

That is precisely why I asked the question. I am interested in performing these tests and thought I would ask those more knowledgable to fill me in. Unfortunately, I have not been able to locate anyone nearby who does the tests.
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