Swimming pool panel

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If I install a weatherproof breaker box with 2 GFCI circuit breakers at the location of the pool pump, must I install a ground rod as required by 250.32?
Re: Swimming pool panel

A feeder requires a grounding electrode system
A branch circuit does not.
Since you are installing a panel, its not a branch circuit and a grounding electrode system is required. If you bond to the pool rebar then that is most likely a grouding electrode system
Re: Swimming pool panel

If the sub-panel is at the pool equipment area, I wouldn't think it would need a ground rod. Are you considering that a second building or structure ?
Re: Swimming pool panel

Thats what I wasn;t really sure of, if the pool would be considered another structure, then requireing it to have a ground rod at that location. I also did wonder since #8 wire connection the pool structure was deeper that the ground rod would be if a ground rod was needed or not. I figure for 5 bucks I will install the ground rod..
Re: Swimming pool panel

you must really like driving ground rods :)

its not a seperately derived system...
I cant see why you would need a ground rod
Re: Swimming pool panel

If the pool panel is on/in a separate building or structure (eg; pedistal, free standing wall or building), a grd rod is required per 250.32 along w/ other requirements as outlined.
Re: Swimming pool panel

Ground rods are pretty easy to install here in Illinois especially in fairly escavated ground. I assumed that since it is a remote panel that i would have to install a ground rod. I am also running a #6 bonding wire back. Can I run that in the same raceway, or should I run that externally and bond it to the houuses ground rod?
Re: Swimming pool panel

If you run 4 wires, isolate the panel and connect the GEC from ground rod to the equipment ground bar and any water piping in the pool house. If certain criteria are met you can run 3 wires and re-bond the neutral and do the same as above. See 250.32
Re: Swimming pool panel

So for my last question, can I put the bonding #6 solid outside of the conduit, or must I run it in the same raceway?
Re: Swimming pool panel

Originally posted by rwooten:
So for my last question, can I put the bonding #6 solid outside of the conduit, or must I run it in the same raceway?
Where are you running this bonding wire to?

The pool bonding conductor does not have to be run back to the service.
Re: Swimming pool panel

680.25 Feeders.
(2)Separate Buildings. A feeder to a separate building shall be permitted to supply pool equipment branch circuits, or feeders supplying swimming pool equipment branch circuits, if the grounding arrangements in the separate building meet the requirements in 250.32.

The tittle of this subsection is 'Separate Buildings'. 250.32 mentions structures as well as buildings. Article 100 has the definition of structure (that which is built or constructed) - which could be the support of a free standing panel that is not part of a building (lets say a pool house).

What is the purpose of a grounding electrode system at a panel of separate building (from the main house)? How about lightning protection. We are not concerned with voltage stabilization if an equipment ground conductor is also installed.

With this said, we know that a panel installed on/in the building requires a grounding electrode system. Does a panel mounted on a board supported by two posts require ground rods?

As Bob was saying, this is not a separate service, so installing a bonding conductor back to the service is not required.

Also installing a bonding conductor on the outside of the raceway has to follow the requirements of
250.102(E) Installation. The equipment bonding jumper shall be permitted to be installed inside or outside of a raceway or enclosure. Where installed on the outside, the length of the equipment bonding jumper shall not exceed 6 feet ...

Re: Swimming pool panel

Great. I was thinking that if I installed a ground rod at this secondary panel at the pool equipment that I would have to bond the second ground rod to the primary service ground rod. So if I do not have to bond the second panel to the service, then I run only three wires back to the panel?
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