Swimming pool plumbing underground clearance from utility conductors

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New member
Hello and thanks for taking a minute to read my question and hopefully answer.

I plumb swimming pools and ran into something today, had the utility lines located by utility company and even hand dug them up and located them at 36 inches, three conductors not in any conduit no problem right ?

wrong 6 feet away im digging along real slow at 18inches with a person shoveling and carving our trench and wammo i knicked one of the lines, they were only buried 12inches. big ordeal with power out to the house and such, utility company repaired it an no charge leaving me to believe they were in the wrong

My question is can i put plumbing pipes near the lines ? theres no way to avoid them in the area the pool equipment is supposed to go, the conductors run from property line diagonally to house so anywhere i go ill be close, im thinking they cant be vertically of each other and should be min 1 ft apart horizontally

anyone feel free to chime in and thanks for reading
There is no issue with putting plumbing next to the power lines however if the power company ever has to dig it up they may hit the pipes
[T]hey were only buried 12 inches.

I would be curious to call the engineer for that poco and ask what the correct burial depth for their service lateral is. It's probably 36 inches. (I know they don't follow NEC.) If I were the homeowner, I would insist they come out and do it right before someone with a gardening shovel gets killed.
There is no issue with putting plumbing next to the power lines however if the power company ever has to dig it up they may hit the pipes
On the other hand, if the power company has been granted an easement (for other than the building service lateral itself) then they may have a right to disapprove of anything else that infringes on their use of their right of way.
Curious... how far is the wiring from the inside wall of the pool (measures horizontally)
I thought there was supposed to be distance from the edge of the pool for the service laterals. Guess not. Other than 680.11 and it's reference Table 300.5.

POCO controls the depth of their conductors if they put them in, but if they are not deep enough, is the OP prohibited by code from installing the pool esp now that he knows they are too shallow?
I would be curious to call the engineer for that poco and ask what the correct burial depth for their service lateral is. It's probably 36 inches. (I know they don't follow NEC.) If I were the homeowner, I would insist they come out and do it right before someone with a gardening shovel gets killed.

Here, they would laugh and tell you to grab a shovel!:huh:
We have to dig the trench and they approve before pulling in their conduit/conductors.
I once had a pool that was getting stray voltage from burried power lines. City came through burying lines and client started complaining of tingling in the water near one end. No bueno. Took forever to figure out what was going on. This was high voltage along the right of way, so not the same issue. Just thought I would share since I'm new.
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