Switch from powerpoint to NECH

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Senior Member
In presenting a code class I like to go from the powerpoint to NECH on CD and back. To illustrate a table for example. Right now I click through end show and bring up the NECH and use the bookmark feature to get where I need to be in the NEC.

Does anyone have any shortcuts to do this?
Like insert an NEC table into a powerpoint slide or a more seamless transition from powerpoint to NECH and back again?
I haven't had much luck with the copy and paste because of the format issue. The table comes out all wierd.
Re: Switch from powerpoint to NECH

I'm not sure if you can get the table itself into the powerpoint slide, but the next best thing to do is if you own the full version of adobe acrobat, you can extract the page with the table you want and save it as a separate acrobat file. Then in your powerpoint slide, you go to Insert, Object, and choose create from file. Find your saved acrobat file, and click ok. There should be a small adobe acrobat icon on your powerpoint slide now. If you right click the icon, select action settings and under the mouse click tab, select run program and then navigate to your adobe acrobat program. Then in your slideshow, you can click on the icon and it should take you to the file. Sorry so long winded.
Re: Switch from powerpoint to NECH

Just do a printscreen of the nech, then open an image editor, paste the image into it and trim it as needed. Then paste it into your powerpoint. I do this all the time.

To toggle between the two programs, simply hit alt+tab

[ March 25, 2005, 12:51 PM: Message edited by: ryan_618 ]
Re: Switch from powerpoint to NECH

I'm not sure if print screen is the same function but on the Adobe Reader there is a option to take a "picture" of selected text and/or tables. Because its a picture and not text you don't have the format problem. Hope this is easier.
Re: Switch from powerpoint to NECH

I like to use ?low tech? solutions, when they can be used profitably. Why not just keep both files running at the same time on the computer, and use ?ALT ? TAB? to switch between one and the other? My motto: ?Same pay, less work!? :D
Re: Switch from powerpoint to NECH

Hi guys
Thanks for the additional suggestions. Ryan, I played witht the print screen, but I haven't perfected it yet.
I've been using your idea and you're right it's simple. The table in the presentation is nicer for a more seamless presentation.
I'm curious to try jimmie's idea.
Re: Switch from powerpoint to NECH


A variation of Print Screen that I like: Alt + Print Screen saves only the active window to the clipboard.

Before using Alt + Print Screen, I resize the window to tight around what I want to copy, and then crop it further in a photo editor if need be. A File - SaveAs will give me a couple of picture file types to choose.
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