Switch Plates

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IMO, there is nothing that directly states a metal plate must be used however there are sections in art. 314 that give me the impression that combustibles must be protected.

Again this does not say what I want it to say however it seems to want protection from combustibles.

314.20 In Wall or Ceiling. In walls or ceilings with a
surface of concrete, tile, gypsum, plaster, or other noncombustible
material, boxes employing a flush-type cover or
faceplate shall be installed so that the front edge of the box,
plaster ring, extension ring, or listed extender will not be
set back of the finished surface more than 6 mm (1⁄4 in.).
In walls and ceilings constructed of wood or other combustible
surface material, boxes, plaster rings, extension
rings, or listed extenders shall be flush with the finished
surface or project therefrom.

314.25(B) Exposed CombustibleWall or Ceiling Finish. Wherea luminaire canopy or pan is used, any combustible wall or
ceiling finish exposed between the edge of the canopy or
pan and the outlet box shall be covered with noncombustible
material if required by 410.23.
Hello Dennis!

Thank you for the timely response and follow-up. I know somearticles are rather vague and subject to interpretation and that is where Itend to falter and get wrapped around the axle…. I appreciate your take on thematter and the documentation!

IMO, there is nothing that directly states a metal plate must be used however there are sections in art. 314 that give me the impression that combustibles must be protected.

Again this does not say what I want it to say however it seems to want protection from combustibles.
I would bet that the listing of the faceplate may have something to do with the metallic backing.
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