T-R Recetpacles

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Senior Member
New Jersey
Do TR receptalces have to have visible "T-R" embossed letters (or similar markings)? Looked a new home today - did not have any visible markings.
No, there is not NEC requirement or UL requirement that the letters T R be visible on the face of the device. There are some manufactures that choose to do this but it is not a requirement.

As far as I know, it is a UL requirement to have TR clearly visible on the device. I haven't seen a non-TR marked TR receptacle in my travels. Perhaps what you had seen was one of the childproof covers that look identical to TR?
No, there is not NEC requirement or UL requirement that the letters T R be visible on the face of the device. There are some manufactures that choose to do this but it is not a requirement.


I just tried looking this topic up on google, and the first hit I got was 15 years old :lol: , or the date is wrong....



After passing all of the above performance tests, all tamper-resistant receptacles must have either the words "tamper resistant" or the letters "TR" (minimum 3/16 in. high) on the device as a clear indication that this is a tamper-resistant receptacle.
Do TR receptalces have to have visible "T-R" embossed letters (or similar markings)? Looked a new home today - did not have any visible markings.

The wording or the lettering does not need to be on the face of the device. Did you remove the cover plate to inspect the yoke?
A friend of mine works @ a Home Depot ( he worked in an electrical supply house, then with me, received his state masters license) & a person was replacing all of the receptacles in an apartment complex wired with aluminum wire. Looked for TR cu/al devices and could not find them. Does anyone know if they are made?
A friend of mine works @ a Home Depot ( he worked in an electrical supply house, then with me, received his state masters license) & a person was replacing all of the receptacles in an apartment complex wired with aluminum wire. Looked for TR cu/al devices and could not find them. Does anyone know if they are made?

I don't know of any. But you can look up the manufacturer's website.
I just tried looking this topic up on google, and the first hit I got was 15 years old :lol: , or the date is wrong....



Yes, but that does not mean they have to be visible on the face of the device. That was what I stated in my post. P&S TR receptacles do not have TR marked on the face but instead have the mark on the yoke so you have to remove the faceplate to see it.

With the advent of the TR device requirement, I have seen the local 'box' stores stock up on a variety of 'tamper resistant' devices. Most are of the older style (twisting facees, supplemental cover plates, etc.) that do NOT meet the code requirement that they be identified with the "TR."

This is no accident; the older-style devices will not meet the specific standard written for the new style, and the code does not make any provision for coverplates to provide the protection.

If the code committees follow their recent tendencies, I expect the next code cycle to require the marking to meet the same rules as those for the "WR" devices.

I'm not stating my preferences on this topic - just my understanding of what it currently in the code.
With the advent of the TR device requirement, I have seen the local 'box' stores stock up on a variety of 'tamper resistant' devices. Most are of the older style (twisting facees, supplemental cover plates, etc.) that do NOT meet the code requirement that they be identified with the "TR."

This is no accident; the older-style devices will not meet the specific standard written for the new style, and the code does not make any provision for coverplates to provide the protection.

If the code committees follow their recent tendencies, I expect the next code cycle to require the marking to meet the same rules as those for the "WR" devices.

I'm not stating my preferences on this topic - just my understanding of what it currently in the code.

There is nothing in the NEC that requires any specific marking of "WR" on weather resistant devices. The UL standard might very well have requirements for the marking to be on the face but it is not located within the NEC.

It makes sense to mark the face of a weather resistant receptacle with "WR" as there is no inherent design specs that make weather resistant devices easily identifiable. Whereas with a "TR" receptacle the inherent design of the receptacles makes it fairly easy to identify it as "TR" by looking at the slots to see the shutters.

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