T Rating/Bus Duct

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New member
Am wondering if there is penetration system in UL that provides 2 hour T rating for Bus Duct penetration of floor. Doesn't seem to be anything out there that fits the bill.

jim dungar

Staff member
PE (Retired) - Power Systems
Theatwole said:
Am wondering if there is penetration system in UL that provides 2 hour T rating for Bus Duct penetration of floor. Doesn't seem to be anything out there that fits the bill.

In the old days I spec'ed busduct that had internal smoke barriers and "wall/floor flanges" located at each floor level. I do not remember the fire rating. Check with the busduct manufacturer.


Senior Member
If they have finally come up with one, it has been real recent. Like last six months recent. There are only about a dozen systems between all the firestop manufacturers for floor penetrations in concrete decks. With a wood frame floor you are out of luck unless there is someting new. Typically wood frame does not go high enough to justify busway.

brian john

Senior Member
Leesburg, VA
Not sure about whats available but I can tell you the installed systems are all defeated when IT, TELCO or Electrician needs a floor to floor penetration. This includes the water dams.


Senior Member
brian john said:
Not sure about whats available but I can tell you the installed systems are all defeated when IT, TELCO or Electrician needs a floor to floor penetration. This includes the water dams.

Very few buildings have bldg engineers who are on the ball.
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