T12 Tubes/Ballasts

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Senior Member
Durham, NC
Facility Maintenance Tech. Licensed Electrician
What is the latest on T12's? They were all supposed to be gone by now but I haven't had any trouble finding them. Went awhile not needing any but have needed & found some lately.

We are starting some work soon for a customer with lots of 8 foot fixtures. He would like to keep his T12 HO's if he is assured he can still get them later on. I checked with 2 suppliers & both said production had stopped, though 1 said HO's were still being made. I saw on a couple of websites that HO's were also phased out.

I am sure converting to T8's would be best in the long run but don't want customer thinking we lied to him. I remember telling customers several years ago to get rid of T12's & hearing back from them later they were still getting them. Don't want that again.

Do T8's come in an HO version with the oval pin ends? I havent' seen them. That would make a conversion simpler.

What are others hearing on this?
My supplier has not had t12 ballasts in quite some time. Not sure if they are available or not. They definitely are phasing them out
My supplier has not had t12 ballasts in quite some time. Not sure if they are available or not. They definitely are phasing them out

Thanks Dennis. I checked today with our only local Saturday supplier & he said they are rapidly running out of all T12 varieties. I hadn't had any trouble getting troffer ballasts but hadn't looked for any 8 foter types either. I'm for sure urging the boss and the customer to go with T8's. I'll tell him we can't know anything for sure but we do know T8's will be around for a few years. I hope so anyway.
Thanks Dennis. I checked today with our only local Saturday supplier & he said they are rapidly running out of all T12 varieties. I hadn't had any trouble getting troffer ballasts but hadn't looked for any 8 foter types either. I'm for sure urging the boss and the customer to go with T8's. I'll tell him we can't know anything for sure but we do know T8's will be around for a few years. I hope so anyway.

You're welcome. I think that the led troffers will soon overtake the T-8. We just replaced over 70 T-12 bulbs with LED replacements in a home that had fluorescents in valances all over the house.
You're welcome. I think that the led troffers will soon overtake the T-8. We just replaced over 70 T-12 bulbs with LED replacements in a home that had fluorescents in valances all over the house.
I think that will depend on marketing of products, and whether or not department of energy sticks their nose into anything, and/or if there are rebates or other incentives to do so. You very likely see a trend of LED for new but there is a lot of existing out there - some that was already upgraded, from T12 to T8. Unless there is a need to convert (like old replacement lamps/ballasts are hard to get) or the savings pays back in a short enough time, I don't see enough motivation to change - other then a good salesman convincing them they need to change.
I think that will depend on marketing of products, and whether or not department of energy sticks their nose into anything, and/or if there are rebates or other incentives to do so. You very likely see a trend of LED for new but there is a lot of existing out there - some that was already upgraded, from T12 to T8. Unless there is a need to convert (like old replacement lamps/ballasts are hard to get) or the savings pays back in a short enough time, I don't see enough motivation to change - other then a good salesman convincing them they need to change.

Right you are about DOE. I hate government intrusion as much as anyone. I am still not totally convinced we needed to get rid of incandescant lights (Yes, I am a dinosaur). But this guy has 100 or more lights, 20 to 40 needing attention. My thinking now is to use up his existing T12 tubes where tubes are the only issue, then start updating the other lights to T8 as I come to them. With T8 HO's I can use the same sockets & wiring, just install new T8 ballasts & lamps. LED's are still a bit pricey. I'm sure they will come down over time, hopefully. I hope LED's stand the test of time, the best test of all.
jmellc - to answer your question about T8HO having the oval base like the T12HO. They use the same tombstones and the ballasts are wired the same unless it's a sign ballast. A 2 lamp strip conversion is simple as the ballast color codes are the same.
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