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I am probably over analyzing this table and section but if I'm buring RMC at a residence then do i fallow the (all locations not specified) and go 6" or do I fallow (one- and two-family dwelling driveways and outdoor parking areas, and used only for dwelling related purposes) which is 18"? The reason I ask is because the part that says and used only for dwelling related purposes seems like another category included in that location of wiring method or circuit. If it was in correspondence with the one and two family dwelling driveway and parking areas wouldn't it say where used instead of and used? So I can use the lower depth requirement even if it's at a residence? The wording is throwing me off
If it is under a driveway or parking area for a one or two family dwelling unit the required depth is 18". If it is under a driveway or parking area for any other occupancy the required depth would be 24".
The 6" would apply for the conduit where it is not under the driveway or parking area.
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