Table 110.26(A)(1)

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The AHJ in our area has approved a doorway opening of 36" and the door having the requirement of being locked in the open position as satisfying the requirements of table 110.26(A)(1). We have a panelboard 6" deep in a room 32" deep. I don't believe the door opening can be used as the clearance in front of the equipment.
What do you think?
Re: Table 110.26(A)(1)

Do you think they should rip the wall down? I think if I caught this at plan review I would try to get them to address it, but by the time the walls are up and everything else, it sounds like this might be a reasonable trade-off.
Re: Table 110.26(A)(1)

There would be nothing wrong with this installation, and infact this is quite common in some facilties where we work and the panels are installed in hallways.

There are closets 12-18" deep and when the doors are open the required clearance is provided.

Re: Table 110.26(A)(1)

If you can draw a box on the floor in front of the panel, with the box being 30 inches wide and 36 inches deep, and if while work is in progress there is nothing in that box except the worker, from the floor to 6.5 feet above the floor, then you have met the requirements.
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