50% of 30 = 15 amps assuming you are using 90C wire
Help me out here. I see that XHHW appears in both the 75C and 90C columns. I had not noticed that before, as I never specify that type insulation. So how does one determine whether the wire you buy is the 75C version or the 90C version? :?. . . assuming you are using 90C wire
Help me out here. I see that XHHW appears in both the 75C and 90C columns. I had not noticed that before, as I never specify that type insulation. So how does one determine whether the wire you buy is the 75C version or the 90C version? :?
OK. Thanks. And now that I have learned something new today, an event that should happen every day, I can go home. Right? :lol:
I have a 2 inch conduit with 16 #12 XHHW current carrying conductors. What size breaker can I use for over current.