We are building a multi family dwelling. I am feeding the individual dwelling units with SE cable. I sized the SE cable per the table in 310.15(B)(6). The panelboards are fused at 100 amps, we pulled an SE cable with (3) #1 aluminum and (1) #4 aluminum which the table says I can use for 110 amps. The feeder, as definied in 310.15(6), is "the feeder between the main disconnect and the panelboard" located in the individual unit. The inspector is telling me that I cannot use this table for this application. He is saying that I have to comply with the rules stated in section 334.12 which limit type NM cable to the 60 degree column in 310.16. I also ran this by his supervisor who replied that this table was only "applicable for single phase feeders on a 3 phase 120/208 service." He lost me there...why would I put single phase feeders on a three phase service? When the inspector made this call we had already completed 4 out of 5 floors, getting cover inspections the whole way. Thoughts?