6-60 Log #2234 NEC-P06 Final Action: Reject
(310.15(B)(6), FPN )
Submitter: Charles E. Beck, Affiliated Engineers NW, Inc.
Comment on Proposal No: 6-86
Recommendation: Add the following Fine Print Note at the bottom of Table
FPN: The ?Service or Feeder Ratings? shown in the above table shall be
permitted to be considered the ampacities of the associated conductors only for
the specific conditions of use that are addressed in this article.
Substantiation: The ?Panel Statement? describing the reason for rejecting
this proposal describes the values in the table with the following words, ?The
conductor ampacities listed in 310.15(B)(6)...?. But nothing in the table itself,
and nothing in the text that refers to the table, includes the word ?ampacities.?
All the table presently permits is certain conductors to be used for certain
service or feeder ratings. That is not the same thing. If the CMP wishes to
permit the table to be used as an ampacity table, then the fact should be stated
in the table itself, or in the article that refers to the table.
Panel Meeting Action: Reject
Panel Statement: The Rule Governing Committee projects does not permit
mandatory language in Informational Notes (FPN). See the panel action and
statement on Comment 6-55.
Number Eligible to Vote: 11
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 11
Comment on Affirmative:
PICARD, P.: See comment on Comment 6-55.