Tamper resistant receptacle

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have Baskin Robbins ice cream store in strip shopping center and plans call for tamper resistant receptacles in customer area. We are still in NEC 2014. I was not aware that Baskin Robbins store fall under Dwelling unit, Child Care Facility, hotel motel guest rooms or guest suites.

Would the NEC 2014 section 406.12 require all receptacles to be tamper resistant receptacles in Baskin Robbins store customer area?

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Plans can call for whatever they want, as long as it's NEC at the minimum. They can require you to wear a pink tu-tu, cowboy boots, a Darth Vadar mask and a yellow banana hat while playing the bagpipes when working on-site if they want to.
I have Baskin Robbins ice cream store in strip shopping center and plans call for tamper resistant receptacles in customer area.
Code is only one set of requirements we meet. The job as spec'ed, bid, and contracted is what you follow.

They can require you to wear a pink tu-tu, cowboy boots, a Darth Vadar mask and a yellow banana hat while playing the bagpipes when working on-site if they want to.
So you've seen me work.
2020 code requires TR in these types of locations.
Maybe they know this and decided to spec it into their project.
I build restaurants .... Lots of them. Every one I’ve built in the last 10 years had TR spec’d for the dining room. It’s a safety and CYA thing for the owners.

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