Tamper resistant receptacles dwelling

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have plans with two floors. First floor is divided into two: one space has retail space and second is a dwelling unit. The second floor is divided into two and has two dwelling units.

The kitchen of each dwelling unit has the following:

1. One dedicated duplex receptacle for microwave, stove
2. One dedicated duplex receptacle for just says appliance #1
3. One dedicated duplex receptacle for just says appliance #2
4. One dedicated duplex receptacle for refrigerator
5. One dedicated duplex receptacle for dishwasher

I researched and looked at NEC 2014 section 406.12 Tamper-Resistant exception #3:

“Exception to (A), (B), and (C): Receptacles in the following locations shall not be required to be tamper resistant:

(3) A single receptacle or a duplex receptacle for two appliances located within dedicated space for each appliance that, in normal use, is not easily moved from one place to another and that is cord-and plug-connected in accordance with 400.7(A)(6), (A)(7), or (A)(8).”

Am I correct that tamper resistant receptacles are not required kitchen four items listed above based on exception #3 or am I incorrect and I do need tamper resistant receptacles items listed above and exception #3 does not apply?
I agree for refrigerator, mounted microwave, and dishwasher. All others don't fit the exception IMHO. What are appliance #1 and #2? I am not a fan of Tamper resistant.
I don’t know what appliances #1 and #2 are. However, dishwasher receptacle is under the sink. Should the dishwasher receptacle be tamper resistant or falls under exception?
Appliance #1 and #2 likely means appliance circuit #1 and #2 not a specific appliance.
I agree with post #2 and more so #3 & #4. Saving a few pennies while at the same time opening ones self to the liability is not wise. Dishwasher might be an AHJ call but refrigerator should meet the exception.
I also have laundry room not part kitchen that has washer 120V receptacle dedicated that’s also not tamper resistant but that would fall under exception or it also have to be tamper resistant?
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If it is a duplex and is not in the dedicated space (like under the sink for the dishwasher) it would be required to be TR. The microwave outlet would be same if you installed a duplex then it needs to be TR if it is a single outlet then TR is not needed

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Hold on. Their is also another exception NEC 2014 section 406.12:

“Exception to (A), (B), and (C): Receptacles in the following locations shall not be required to be tamper resistant:

2) Receptacles that are part of a luminaire or appliance.”

Would not post #1 be all appliance there for be exempt to tamper resistant receptacle per exception number 2?
That is for receptacles that are PART OF the appliance not ones feeding the appliance.
Example: A receptacle on the back of a TV to feed power to a VCR.
The rule says a washer would require either a standard single or TR duplex, unless you're also supplying a second stationary appliance, such as a gas dryer.

I wasn’t aware that if gas dryers are included it does not have to be tamper resistant.

I do have washer 120V single phase and electric dryer which is 240V single phase. NEC 2014 section 406.12(A) dwelling unit refers to all areas mentioned in NEC 2014 section 210.52 to be tamper resistant. NEC 2014 210.52(F) mentions laundry areas receptacle. So unless NEC 2014 section 406.12 exception applies you need to have tamper resistant receptacle.

So if laundry area receptacle washer with or without dryer or any other fixed appliance does not comply per NEC 2014 section 406.12 exceptions then it needs tamper resistant. Am I correct or incorrect?
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So if laundry area receptacle washer with or without dryer or any other fixed appliance does not comply per NEC 2014 section 406.12 exceptions then it needs tamper resistant. Am I correct or incorrect?
Correct if it's a duplex receptacle; not correct if it's a single receptacle. Based on:

“Exception to (A), (B), and (C): Receptacles in the following locations shall not be required to be tamper resistant:

(3) A single receptacle or a duplex receptacle for two appliances located within dedicated space for each appliance that, in normal use, is not easily moved from one place to another and that is cord-and plug-connected in accordance with 400.7(A)(6), (A)(7), or (A)(8).”

I mentioned a gas dryer because of: "a duplex receptacle for two appliances"
That TV & VCR might also have a rotary dial phone sitting on top of it!:)
You have obviously seen my den (the room with the wood panel walls & popcorn ceiling)...
to quote the guy on tv "this one still works, why do I need a new one"
no doubt "lil bill" & "old gus" live in slightly different worlds..
"anyone seen my slippers ???" :)
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