Tamper resistant receptacles in guest rooms or guest suites

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pete m.

Senior Member
Looking for opinions... does the NEC (2008) require tamper resistant receptacles in Guest rooms or Guest Suites?

The reason that the question comes up is that 210.18 only requires the "branch circuits" to be installed to meet the rules for dwelling units.

The definition of dwelling unit in article 100 is how I approached the question and determined that the Tamper Resistant receptacles are required.

The reason that the question comes up is that 210.18 only requires the "branch circuits" to be installed to meet the rules for dwelling units.

The definition of dwelling unit in article 100 is how I approached the question and determined that the Tamper Resistant receptacles are required.


But ONLY if it has permanent provisions for cooking. The typical motel room does not meet this requirement.

I would agree with the others. Now were it an Extended Stay or something like that I would say yes, but only for the receptacles that are accessible.
If the tamper receptacles are required, then it is a dwelling unit and all of the dwelling unit rules apply...AFCI and small appliance circuits.
Looking for opinions... does the NEC (2008) require tamper resistant receptacles in Guest rooms or Guest Suites?


The CMP seems to think it is required if it meets the definition. this was a proposal for 2011....

18-67 Log #2573 NEC-P18 Final Action: Reject
Submitter: Charles Palmieri, Palmieri Assoc.
Recommendation: Add the following sections to existing text requiring the
use of tamper resistant receptacles.
406.11 Tamper-Resistant Receptacles in Dwelling Units. In all areas specified
in 210.52, and those units described in 210.60 with permanent provisions for
cooking, all 125-volt, 15- and 20-ampere receptacles shall be listed tamper-
resistant receptacles.

Substantiation: In 210.60, titled Guest Rooms, Guest Suites, Dormitories, and
Similar Occupancies. Sub-part (A) General, requires “for those units provided
with permanent provisions for cooking” that they shall have receptacle outlets
installed in accordance with all of the applicable rules in 210.52. There are no
rules in 210.52 proper requiring tamper resistant receptacles. One must refer to
406.11, and at present that section does not include mandatory language for
tamper resistant receptacles in 210.60 occupancies. This panel agreed during
the 2008 code process to require tamper resistant receptacles in dwelling units.
That new language was adopted to reduce injury or death to children. If the
panel deemed a danger of shock or electrocution to children in all dwelling
units, then logic should apply that 210.60 occupancies (with permanent
provisions for cooking) likewise present a real hazard to children.

Panel Meeting Action: Reject

Panel Statement: Current code already requires tamper-resistant receptacles
where such facilities meet the Article 100 definition of dwelling unit
, which
states where such units provide complete and independent living facilities for
one or more person(s), including permanent provisions for living, sleeping,
cooking, and sanitation.
Number Eligible to Vote: 11

this is from the 2011 draft

406.13 Tamper-Resistant Receptacles in Guest Rooms
and Guest Suites. All nonlocking type, 125-volt, 15- and
20-ampere receptacles shall be listed tamper-resistant re-
ceptacles. [ROP 18-87]
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