Tamper Resistant Receptacles

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Looking for a little input concerning pediatric (wards) as described in the code 517.18.C. Just finished designing a Dermatologist office with 9 patient rooms. Local plan reviewer is requiring us to show TR receptacles in all pediatric areas. I have them in the lobby and public restrooms, but curious on what defines the pediatric area. There is nothing on the drawings indicating these are pediatric rooms, so is best to just install in all patient rooms regardless of how the rooms are designated? I am just trying to prevent a precedent from being set with this reviewer and giving him the opportunity to require them in all medical rooms. Any input would be helpful......
(C) Pediatric Locations. Receptacles located within the rooms, bathrooms, playrooms, activity rooms, and patient care areas of pediatric wards shall be listed tamper resistant or shall employ a listed tamper resistant cover.

Does this facility actually have a pediatric ward?

Yes, I think your reviewer is incorrect. I believe pediartic wards are inpatient rooms, where kids would stay overnight or for a few days. Not a doctors office where the patients are in the rooms for only a few hours.

And I doubt a dermatologist would see many small kids. If they did, my guess is that the parents would be in the room with them. It would be pretty odd to leave a small child alone in an exam room.

My guess is that a dermatologist probably sees more teenagers for acne than anyone else. If they (teenagers) haven't learned not to stick metal objects in a receptacle by then, sheesh.
Yes, I think your reviewer is incorrect. I believe pediartic wards are inpatient rooms, where kids would stay overnight or for a few days. Not a doctors office where the patients are in the rooms for only a few hours.

And I doubt a dermatologist would see many small kids. If they did, my guess is that the parents would be in the room with them. It would be pretty odd to leave a small child alone in an exam room.

My guess is that a dermatologist probably sees more teenagers for acne than anyone else. If they (teenagers) haven't learned not to stick metal objects in a receptacle by then, sheesh.

...and now they never will. I doubt we even stock or instal anything but TR once we run out of what we have.
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