406.13 tamper-resistant receptacles in child care facilities
in all child care facilities, all nolocking-type, 125-volt, 15 and 20 ampere receptacles shall be listed tamper-resistant receptacles.
The way I read it, tamper resistant receptacles are NOT required in dwelling unit attics. Does anyone concur or disagree?
can anyone tell me if it is in the 2008 code?
Don't you have a code book?
Not in 2008
all the recepts installed in the day care and classrooms are tamper proof except the gfci's above the counters. the prints only say the low ones have to be tamper proof, not the gfcis above counter. the job is going of the 2008 nec, and i cant find where it specifically talks about day cares and schools, just dwelling units. i dont want to get burned at inspection, but i also don't want to order tamper proof gfcis if i don't have to!
can anyone tell me if it is in the 2008 code?