tamperproof recepts

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Shaun B

Are tamperproof recepts required in daycare and kindergarten classrooms? are they required above counters and in the restrooms where gfcis are installed?

2011 nec:

406.13 tamper-resistant receptacles in child care facilities

in all child care facilities, all nolocking-type, 125-volt, 15 and 20 ampere receptacles shall be listed tamper-resistant receptacles.
I would imagine that at some point in time and in the near future TR's will be all you'll be able to buy anyway. Supply houses are already starting to gripe about all the different types of receptacles they have to stock.
In answer to both of your 'tamperproof' threads:

WHO is the 'AHJ?' Answering that question answers the others.

The NEC requirements - which at one point wanted EVERY receptacle in a house to be 'tamper resistant', including the one on the ceiling of the garage for the door opener - were inspired by requirements that were first created by the folks who regulate day-care facilities. The 'day-care' folks wanted either tamper-resistant receptacles or GFCI protection for every receptacle that a kid might possibly access.

When the NEC got into the 'tamper resistant' business, they completely disregarded any thought of providing GFCI as an alternate, or worrying about accessibility. They just said 'ALL.'

So, what makes a receptacle 'tamper resistant?' Well, those plastic things you push into the unused receptacles don't count. Nor do previous 'tamper resistant' designs that involve rotating a littly face on the receptacle. Instead, all that matters is that the receptacle be stamped "TR" on the face.
Tamper Resistant Receptacles in Attic

Tamper Resistant Receptacles in Attic

The way I read it, tamper resistant receptacles are NOT required in dwelling unit attics. Does anyone concur or disagree?
all the recepts installed in the day care and classrooms are tamper proof except the gfci's above the counters. the prints only say the low ones have to be tamper proof, not the gfcis above counter. the job is going of the 2008 nec, and i cant find where it specifically talks about day cares and schools, just dwelling units. i dont want to get burned at inspection, but i also don't want to order tamper proof gfcis if i don't have to!

can anyone tell me if it is in the 2008 code?
can anyone tell me if it is in the 2008 code?[/QUOTE]

It is not in the 406.11 2008 code. Only dwelling units require them. 2011 code 406.14 child care now required. If they want them this sounds like an extra :cool:. If it's in your budget you should just put them in for safety sake
all the recepts installed in the day care and classrooms are tamper proof except the gfci's above the counters. the prints only say the low ones have to be tamper proof, not the gfcis above counter. the job is going of the 2008 nec, and i cant find where it specifically talks about day cares and schools, just dwelling units. i dont want to get burned at inspection, but i also don't want to order tamper proof gfcis if i don't have to!

can anyone tell me if it is in the 2008 code?

I believe NFPA 101 requires TP receptacles in Day Care locations. You should check it if you don't want to get burned at the inspection.

I don't think there is any exemption for GFCI receptacles. They make combination GFI/TP receptacles now.
I noticed the local hardware stores around here only carry the old style receptacle outlets on the shelves. Even the Home Depot only has a limited supply of TR outlets on the shelves , but plenty of old stuff. We have been 08 for almost a year now.They should all get with it. Only the supply houses are on top of it. Reason # 575 to love your local supply houses.....
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