tap at meter main

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third party inspector
New England
The EC has installed a 100a meter main on the side of a detached garage. He ran SER to the main lug panel inside the garage. Rather than going from the sub panel to the house, he wants to tap the #2 Alum. just below the 100a breaker in the meter main and run to the house, underground to another 100 amp panel with main disco.
I suggested using a meter main with two places to stab the 100a breakers but he dosen't want to spend the $$$. Is the way that he wants to do it acceptable?
One problem I see is that the #2 Al is only rated for 90 amps and since it's not carrying the entire load of the dwelling the 83% rule cannot be used so it's too small.
The EC has installed a 100a meter main on the side of a detached garage. He ran SER to the main lug panel inside the garage. Rather than going from the sub panel to the house, he wants to tap the #2 Alum. just below the 100a breaker in the meter main and run to the house, underground to another 100 amp panel with main disco.
I suggested using a meter main with two places to stab the 100a breakers but he dosen't want to spend the $$$. Is the way that he wants to do it acceptable?
I agree with Infinity on conductor size issues to the non dwelling portion otherwise I see nothing wrong with the splicing concept.
One problem I see is that the #2 Al is only rated for 90 amps and since it's not carrying the entire load of the dwelling the 83% rule cannot be used so it's too small.

Note to the OP, once you tap, the above referenced rule would also apply to the existing conductors feeding the inside panel, because they would no longer be feeding the entire load either. I can see where this seems arbitrary in a case like this, but it is the rule.
He is going to spend just about as much on splicers as he would on a 100A breaker......

Here, the meter mains I get have a small panelboard with feed thru lugs. Could use the feed thru lugs to the house, and put a 90 breaker in for the garage (assuming #2 AL is used).
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