Tap at the Meter

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I have a gentleman that wants to run power to a pole building for camper / trailer storage. He wants a 100 amp panel with power provided from and existing barn 160' from the pole building. At the barn he has a 200 amp meter and panel. He wanted me to run the new service from a 100 amp breaker inside the barn panel to the pole building 100amp panel. According to my calculations I will need 2/0 aluminum because of voltage drop to accomplish this. 2/0 will not fit the lugs of a 100 amp breaker and/or the lugs on a 100 amp main in the pole building panel. Here's the question: Can I tap the SE on the load side of the meter of the barn service if I put a 100 amp disconnect to feed the pole building panel? I will also have to increase the size of the new panel to use 2/0? I suggested the power company run a new service, but he's not fond of that. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
You may do what you suggest. In fact, if you look at 240.2 for definitions, as long as the "terminated" conductor is rated at 100 amps, it is not even considered a tap.
As long as your feeder overcurrent protection is 100 amp, you may reduce the conductor size to a 100 amp conductor on either or both ends of the run for termination purposes.
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