Tap Temp.
Tap Temp.
Thanks for your reply, I understand the rules on terminals and rating, however what has me confused is the first picture where there is a 1/0 feeding the 30 amp switch, the conductors are rated at 75 Degrees unlike the second photo 30 amp fed with #8 awg but at 60 degrees.
I know why 1/0 was selected (1/3 rule) and I know why #8 awg was selected(10% rule), but what governed the temp selection for the 30 amp switch in the first photo, (75 degrees). Perhaps both sets of terminals were implied 75 degrees. Maybe the 75 degrees is based on the 1/0? In any case the two pictorial examples contradict each other and has me confused. So I guess my question is;
What dictates the temp selection of tap conductors feeding tap devices?
1) The less than 100a more than 100a (60 degree/ 75 degree) based on the tap device OCPD.
2) or the terminal temperature.
Thanks for your input.