Tap location for Fire Alarm Disconnect Switch

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Senior Member
New York, NY
Hi all,
I have to provide 120 volt power to a disconnect switch serving a fire alarm control panel. Does the NEC allow the tap to be made inside a service switch (1200 amp switch in this case) feeding the building? can the splice be made on the line side feeder inside the actual 1200 amp service switch?
is the raceway feeding the 1200A service switch suitable for the fire alarm circuit? I'm pretty sure there are some special requirements for fire alarm service raceways when tapping to service, might be a local code thing. I've always used RGS for fire alarm service.
Yes, I'm specifying RGS conduit for the fire alarm 120 volt circuit.

I don't believe the raceway coming into the 1200 amp switch has to be RGS as well. Only the actual feeder to the fire alarm panel. If I'm wrong someone please correct me.
Yes, I'm specifying RGS conduit for the fire alarm 120 volt circuit.

I don't believe the raceway coming into the 1200 amp switch has to be RGS as well. Only the actual feeder to the fire alarm panel. If I'm wrong someone please correct me.
I'm actually curious about this too. A good argument I have about this is that if you do a line side tap inside the service switch, the service conductors serving the service switch becomes a fire alarm circuit. I ran into the same situation as you, wanted to do a tap in a service switch but was hesitant so I tapped into the service end box instead, ran RGS throughout. Better be safe than sorry
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