tap rule clarification

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malachi constant

Senior Member
This is surely a simple question for many of you, but I don't venture often into the world of taps and want to make sure nothing is illegal here.

Existing installation, a long (hundreds of feet) 300A feeder is protected at its source by a 300A fuse. The feeder terminates in a gutter, which taps off into several smaller disconnects located immediately below the gutter. I think they are 3x 100A and 2x 30A disconnects, feeding HVAC equipment.

Our project proposes to demolish the 3x 100A disconnects, leaving the smaller 2x 30A disconnects in place. (They will be demolished a year or two later, at which point the 300A feeder will be repurposed for something else.)

Prior to looking into the code I had held some vague notion that if we are taking load off the gutter, that those were part of some ratio equation that directly affected the remaining taps. However having read up on the 240.21 tap rules I now understand they are written so as to have proper overcurrent protection within so many feet of a tap. Having figure that out I think this modification is legal, as the loss of the larger taps has no bearing on whether or not the smaller taps are legal.

If anyone can confirm that it is appreciated. I don't feel like I've explained this install (or at least my concerns) very well so feel free to ask questions. Thanks!
Your feeder is 300 amps. If your taps can comply with the 10' tap rule then the ampacity of the tap conductors only need to be 10% of the 300 amps or 30 amps. That's it. You can have a single 30 amp tap if you like.
Your feeder is 300 amps. If your taps can comply with the 10' tap rule then the ampacity of the tap conductors only need to be 10% of the 300 amps or 30 amps. That's it. You can have a single 30 amp tap if you like.
Thank you infinity - that's all the confirmation I needed. I have now entered into the dark arts of the tap rules, and it wasn't so scary as I thought.
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