

Senior Member
Have 1 set of 3" with 3 #350 & #4 landing at a trough. That set continues to a disconnect and then a panel but I have ot tap in the trough to 3 #4's and 1 #8. How EXACTLY would this tap be best done? Something like a Polaris https://nsiindustries.com/polaris/
I always get confused by the number of ports needed and how that works. Thanks

Could I use a 3 port tap for each of the phase conductors? that would be in with the #350 and out with a #350 and #4? Am I thinking about it correctly and would that work?
Could I use a 3 port tap for each of the phase conductors? that would be in with the #350 and out with a #350 and #4? Am I thinking about it correctly and would that work?
That would work. Since you have a 350 in and a 350 out you could just run the 350 directly to the disconnect switch and then use a two post Polaris to tap off to the panel.