Why would you tap? Install a feeder breaker bucket. That is what is available for that purpose as a standard offering from all MCC manufacturer. Just because it is called M(otor)C(ontrol)C(enter) it does not mean that it only feeds motors.Can you tap in MCC and feed a 30A/3P disconnect to feed a new panel?
Why would you tap? Install a feeder breaker bucket. That is what is available for that purpose as a standard offering from all MCC manufacturer. Just because it is called M(otor)C(ontrol)C(enter) it does not mean that it only feeds motors.
I agree. It will be the simplest answer and is usually the least expensive solution available. Tapping directly to the MCC bus is kind of iffy in my mind, although it seems to happen now and then.
I seem to recall AB actually has a kit available for doing just this, but I might be remembering wrong.