TC and Flex Connections in Class 1 Div Group D

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I have a couple of questions regarding tray cable and flex couplings in a Class 1 Division 2 environment. First, does the tray cable used need to rated for the environment (I have an approved submittal from the engineer for standard tray cable.) And second, according to section 502.4 liquidtight flexible metal conduit with fittings approved for the environment is acceptable. Is this an acceptable alternate to explosion proof flex couplings?

sandyr1974 said:
I have a couple of questions regarding tray cable and flex couplings in a Class 1 Division 2 environment. First, does the tray cable used need to rated for the environment (I have an approved submittal from the engineer for standard tray cable.) And second, according to section 502.4 liquidtight flexible metal conduit with fittings approved for the environment is acceptable. Is this an acceptable alternate to explosion proof flex couplings?


No special labeling required for CLass I, Div 2 installation, howeverTC-ER labeling is required where the TC cable is exposed to potential damage and installed outside of a CT or not protected othervise. 336.10(7)

XP flex coupling is only required in Div. 1 area to facilitate rigid conduit conenction to an item that requires isolation from vibration. (Art 502 is for Class II locations.) I presume you are looking for 501.10 (B)(2)
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